If you've been following along on my Insta account you'll know I have been participating in a photography project with the Hello Storyteller Academy for the past six months. This experience has challenged me to step outside of my comfort zone, expand my knowledge, and approach my work with more creativity. Despite not always focusing on my preferred genre, I am thoroughly enjoying the process. The project features weekly themes across various subjects.
I will be able to apply all the pieces I am learning now in different genres to family photography in some way.
Have you ever attempted a photography challenge that involves capturing one picture per week? It's an excellent way to document your life for the year and potentially create a calendar or gift for grandparents and relatives, as well as for yourself. You don't need a fancy camera, just one that you can snap away with. I suggest joining a group or downloading challenge ideas to push yourself out of your comfort zone with each shot, resulting in intentional photography that prevents your storage from filling up!
Another option is to hire a professional family photographer to capture your daily life, alleviating any stress. While phone cameras are of good quality, full-frame cameras offer superior image quality.
Take a look at the images below to get a glimpse of my perspective on life.
*Keep in mind all the images I share on socials and on my website are faceless of children.