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~Day In the Life Sessions~

I spent a ‘day in the life’ with this beautiful family in Greensborough on Saturday. ( I had said in my stories I’d post little updates along the way - but I was immersed in the day and didn’t come back to my phone much to snap some bts)

One concern of the Mum was that she thought her life wasn’t interesting enough to document… that they might seem boring.

This thought has stuck with me.

And this picture sums up why it’s not important if you think you’re interesting or not to others.

There was a whole bathroom scene in this shoot, I have so many brilliant pics of the kiddos expressions when they are with their dad in the bathroom brushing their teeth. I don’t show kiddos faces on my public pages anymore so these are saved for the family, but this image itself tells a story without the faces.

Every parent knows that grip around the neck whether it be for the love they have for you or the love of trying to get out of doing something 🤣.

This is something they will not do forever.

My eldest already doesn’t like it much when I put my hand on his shoulder walking through a car park or crossing the road!

They become independent way too quick and before you know it those snuggles and hang tight grips slowly fade away.

This was my first real Day In the Life for this amount of time and as much as it was a long day for everyone, the images will be cherished by the family forever more.

The mundane of family life that seems boring or uninteresting to you will not seem like that in years to come for you or for them!

Having a day in the life session let’s you all be in the frame. You can relax knowing that this is safely and professionally documented.

I think I will maybe do a handful of these sessions per year. If you’re interested to know more please email me at

and I’ll send you an information pack to see if it’s something you’d like for your family.


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